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What to expect

The service is relatively traditional usually but is quite flexible. Most weeks follow this basic pattern:


Music playing quietly while people find a seat and settle in.


The Pastor welcomes the congregation to worship. 


Call to Worship
A responsive reading calling people to worship. Anyone able is invited to stand.


Hymn or Song sung by congregation
The song will most likely be in the hymnal and the hymn number will be in the bulletin.


Prayer of Invocation or Prayer of Confession
Prayer of Invocation: A prayer read from the bulletin that requests God's Presence in our worship

Prayer of Confession: At different times of the year but particularly during the church season of Lent, we will read a prayer of confession instead. If we have a prayer of confession it is followed by the Pastor offering an "Assurance of Pardon."  


Scripture Reading
This reading is read by the a member and is usually  the sermon is based upon. Depending on where it comes from it will either be called a Hebrew Bible Reading, a Gospel Reading, or an Epistle Reading.


This is the Pastor's message for the week. It can take many forms but the general goal is to connect the message from scripture with our lives today in meaningful ways. You can hear many archived sermons on our website - view the Sermons link in the top navigation.


Hymn or Song sung by the congregation
The song will most likely be in the hymnal and the hymn number will be in the bulletin.


Pastoral Prayer
Prayer spoken by the Pastor.


Lord's Prayer
The prayer taken from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount as recorded in Matthew chapter 6. It is spoken in unison and printed in the bulletin.




This only happens on the first Sunday of each month and on special occasions. There are detailed instructions in the bulletin. You can participate if you would like or pass if you prefer. It is open. You are welcome. But it is not mandatory if you are not comfortable.


Hymn or Song sung by the congregation.
The song will most likely be in the hymnal and the hymn number will be in the bulletin.


Benediction/Musical Benediction
A benediction is a blessing. 


Music playing while people leave the worship space. The Pastor will be at the door to the worship space to greet folks as they leave.

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